Arms Treatments by Your Physio · Spine, Sport, Stroke Rehab Specialist

Your Physio · Spine, Sport, Stroke Rehab Specialist is a group of clinics providing Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy, Sports Medicine services, operating across branches and serving the patient communities around 1 Utama, Balik Pulau, Metro Prima Kepong and other locations. At Your Physio · Spine, Sport, Stroke Rehab Specialist, we specialise in our signature treatments like Chauffeur Fracture Treatment, Wrist Drop (Radial Nerve Palsy) Treatment, Rotator Cuff Pain Treatment, Pain Management and Urinary Incontinence Treatment. Choose the clinic branch in your preferred area below to view more about the doctors, clinic photos, reviews, and treatment services list. You can also select the shortcut buttons below each clinic to call, leave a message, or drive to the clinic with Waze/Google Maps.


Pain Management

Tendinitis (Tendon Swelling) Treatment

Tendinitis (Tendon Swelling) Treatment

Nerve Pain Treatment

Nerve Pain Treatment

Ganglion Cyst Treatment

Pseudogout Treatment

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Treatment

Quadriplegia Treatment

Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome Treatment
RM 130 - RM 180

Burns & Burn Scar Contracture Treatment

Painful Arc Syndrome Treatment

Neuralgic Amyotrophy Treatment

Nerve and Tendon Laceration Treatment

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis is an informal way to describe joint pain or joint disease. There are hundreds of different types of arthritis, for instance osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Common arthritis joint symptoms include swelling, pain, stiffness and decreased range of motion. Functional medicine aims to treat disease from the root cause, starting from fixing the body. In an arthritis case, functional medicine doctors may suggest to undergo an anti-inflammatory diet, dietary supplements, etc. There are still a lot of treatment which can only be prescribed by looking at your condition. Consult with your doctor to get the best treatment.

Gouty Arthritis Treatment

Osteoarthritis Treatment

Osteoarthritis Treatment

Elbow Pain Treatment

Elbow Pain Treatment

Tennis Elbow Treatment

Tennis Elbow Treatment

Golfer's Elbow Treatment

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Treatment (Funny Bone)

Olecranon Bursitis Treatment

Elbow Dislocation Treatment

Elbow Stiffness Treatment

Elbow Stiffness Treatment

Cubitus Valgus Treatment

Chronic Tendonitis Treatment

Cubitus Varus Treatment

Elbow Tendon Tear Treatment

Osteoarthritis Elbow Treatment

Hand Pain Treatment

Hand Pain Treatment

Trigger Finger Treatment

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

Dupuytren's Contracture Treatment

Trigger Thumb Treatment

Mallet Finger Treatment

De Quervain Disease Treatment

Garrod's Pads Treatment

Flexor Tendonitis Treatment

Wrist Pain Treatment

Wrist Pain Treatment

Intersection Syndrome Treatment

Wrist Drop (Radial Nerve Palsy) Treatment

Osteoarthritis Wrist Treatment

Wrist Drop Electrical Stimulation

Rheumatoid Arthritis Wrist Treatment

Joint and Muscle Pain Treatment

Joint and Muscle Pain Treatment

Joint Pains Treatment

Muscle Pains Treatment

Compartment Syndrome Treatment

Muscle Haematoma Treatment

Muscle Haematoma Treatment

Arm Fracture Treatment

Scaphoid Fracture Treatment

Greenstick Fracture Treatment

Hairline Fracture Treatment

Hairline Fracture Treatment

Humerus Fractures Treatment

Colles Fracture Treatment

Supracondylar Fracture Treatment

Buckle Fracture Treatment

Olecranon Fracture Treatment

Barton Fracture Treatment

Chauffeur Fracture Treatment

Phalangeal Fracture Treatment

Radius Ulna Fracture Treatment

Bone Pain Treatment

Osteochondritis Dissecans Treatment

Triangular Fibrocartilage Tear Treatment

Congenital Radioulnar Synostosis Treatment

TFCC Injuries Treatment (Triangular fibrocartilage complex)

Physiotherapy Treatment

Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. They have also adopt the principal of functional medicine where they increase your mobility and prevent further injury by treating your disease from the root cause. They listen to your needs to tailor a treatment specific to your condition. In other words, physiotherapists take a ‘whole person’ approach to health and wellbeing, which includes the patient’s general lifestyle. Consult to your functional medicine doctor, physiotherapist, or other health professionals to get yourself the specific treatment your body needs.

Post Accident Physiotherapy

Post Accident Physiotherapy

Painful Arc Syndrome Physiotherapy

Cubitus Valgus Physiotherapy Treatment

Trigger Point Therapy

Sports Physiotherapy

Sport Injury Treatment

Sport Injury Treatment

Physiotherapist Consultation

Physiotherapist Consultation

RICE Treatment